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Introspection on the Bike

Introspection on the Bike

Christine D’Ercole muses on why her Reflection Rides fulfill the missing component in your wellness routine.

By Christine D’ErcoleUpdated July 19, 2021


Why should you take a Reflection Ride?

Because we all need a moment for ourselves.

I wanted to create a ride that gives you the opportunity to look past the numbers. I wanted to create a space on the Bike that is wholly yours—where you can tune out the metrics and tune in to yourself. No competing. No comparing.

Reflection Rides are an invitation to see things differently and to expand your definition of “fitness.” It’s not all about our waistlines; emotional endurance is equally important.

While the Peloton Bike is an incredible vehicle for self-care, community, stress-release, fun, training and entertainment, there is a bigger picture to consider.

In taking this time for ourselves, we are so often still engaged with the Leaderboard, giving high fives and (sometimes obsessively) tracking metrics that, by nature, a comparison mindset is created.

Now, as a competitive athlete and Power Zone instructor, I am a huge supporter of a metrics-driven approach to the work. It allows us to set benchmarks and track progress. But it is critical to note that the numbers do not know you. The numbers do not own you. They have no idea what you are capable of—and neither do you. Not all progress is measured in metrics.

There are numerous studies exploring the benefits of rhythmic movement on our brain function. Combined with aerobic exercise, we have a powerful formula for improving cognition, mood and clarity. When we give ourselves permission to approach a specific ride (once a week, once a month, whenever…) where we deliberately close the door on competition, comparison and distractions, we amplify these benefits tenfold.

A Reflection Ride is a very simple ride (a warm up and three “climbs” that you can make as big or small as you want), designed to give you room to breathe and to just be. I share some thoughts and questions I regularly ask myself. And then I get out of the way and give you room to do what you need to do, reflect on your own thoughts, listen to your gut and just #ridethedamnbike.

We all need to take some time for ourselves. Let’s make the most of it and ride mindfully.

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Find my 20-minute Reflection Rides on demand and stay tuned for two final rides to come:

  • Ride #1 from4/7/21 — Self-Care: Habits vs. Rituals

  • Ride #2 from 5/12/21 — Self-Discovery: Asking Yourself “What if”

  • Ride #3 from 6/16/21 — Self-Assurance: Confidence Doesn’t Come From Compliments

  • Ride #4 on 7/25/21 — Self-Determination: Choice not Chance

  • Ride #5 on 8/2/21 — Self-Respect: Change Your Chatter

Ready to find some clarity? Count yourself in for one of Christine’s Reflection Rides on the PelotonApp!
